Having regard to the safety of the users and due to the legal requirements of the government of the United Kingdom and other countries, Admirria is implementing a KYC policy (customer’s identification) and AML/CTF (combating money-laundering and terrorist financing) as required by banks and other financial institutions.

What is the objective of the AML/CTF policy?

Admirria is under the obligation to apply AML/CTF policies to our business operations.

Those policies aim to mitigate the risk of our services being used to

commit or facilitate financial crimes.

Admirria is committed to combating money laundering and terrorist financing (AML / CTF) by properly identifying actual users of our accounts and supervising their transactions. We shall identify and cease purchase transactions made to hide a criminal origin of money, illegal finance activity or other unlawful behaviour.

What is an AML/CTF policy?

The AML/CTF policy is a procedure to prevent our services from being used to commit or

facilitate financial crimes. Those policies’ specific provisions are confidential to prevent possible avoidance by dishonest or fraudulent users. We want to introduce to you some of the general rules and stipulations of our policies which directly concern you and affect the services we render.

User’s identification

We are obliged to identify, beyond a reasonable doubt, the identity of persons enabled to make purchases on our website. This is the reason why we may ask to collect your ID photos/scans.

In case of doubt, our customer support team may contact you to alleviate any concerns.

If we cannot determine, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the documents you provided are yours and authentic, we won’t be able to let you execute any transactions.

Transactions’ monitoring and supervision

Using our proprietary software, we also analyse all transactions that take place on our website, looking for suspicious and unusual behaviour. The selected transactions are analysed by our AML specialists and evaluated for AML / CTF risks. Or may require clarification with the Client.

Additional verification

Additional verification may be necessary if your transactions are flagged as suspicious or unusual, or our verification qualifies you as a person imposing AML / CTF risk.

In such cases, we can require additional documentation proving your place of residence.

Basic AML / CTF Rules

Admirria is obligated to close the user’s account and terminate

the business relationship if our AML/CTF team find any suspicious activity, as presented in our operating rules below.

Our operating rules include, inter alia, as follows:

  • Admirria shall not accept cash purchases or cash refunds.
  • Admirria shall not accept any third-party purchases or payments on a user account, managed on behalf of someone else, jointly or by shared accounts, etc.
  • Admirria does not allow any exceptions to required user documentation rules.
  • Admirria reserves the right to refuse to process a User’s transaction at any time due to suspicion of AML / CTF risk.

Countries under Sanctions

According to our policies, we do not open accounts and do not process transactions for citizens and residents of, as well as people staying in, countries where transactions are prohibited by international sanctions or internal regulations or originating from countries which are based on various criteria (Corruption Perceptions Index by Transparency International, FATF warnings, countries with weak anti-money laundering and terrorist financing regimes determined by European Commission and other criteria), impose high AML / CTF is high risk.

Currently, these countries are:

Afghanistan, American Samoa, Angola, Bahamas, Botswana, Burundi, Cambodia, Central The African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guam, Guinea Bissau, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Puerto Rico, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe, USA (some states).


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